Horé! – It was an honor for Horé! to be involved in the monthly meeting of Forum Komunikasi Pimpinan Personalia Hotel Jawa Timur (FKKPH JATIM) which was held on Thursday, 20 September 2018 at Midtown Residence Surabaya. In this forum, well-known hotels’ HRD chief and staff from across East Java meet, share their experience, give feedback, and discuss any information related to hospitality employment and human resources to one another.

In the monthly meeting, Horé! was granted an exclusive opportunity to present how Horé! could give HRD promising solutions for employment problems. The presentation was begun by CMO – Cofounder Horé!, Mr.Wing Prakoso and continued by COO – Cofounder Horé!, Mr. Dedy Mahendra. Positive and interactive response was given by the HR staff and chiefs who attend the meeting.

Led by Mr. Rumadhono Sumanto, S.H, M.H., the chairman of advisory board of FKPPH and also the vice chairman of Indonesia Hotel and Restaurant association, FKPPH discussed an issue about the prediction of worker minimum wage in 2019. Mr. Rumadhono also acknowledged that

“Horé! could be the solution of  hotel HRD to face inflation tendency of worker minimum wage. They can also reduce operational cost especially the one for employee wage.” 


Salam Horé!

“An online platform which connects ready and capable daily workers with well-known hotels and restaurants in Indonesia.”

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